New England Swimming

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

April 12, 2005



Present:Members:Ray Grant (SSA), Kathy Dacey (BGSC), Mike Parratto (SSA), Dave LeBlanc (YNS), Scott Doty (PSC), Carol Healey (SAC), Mariella Allard (UN-NE), Michelle Bernal (BGSC), Bob Gauvin (SCA), Ev Crosscup (BAT).Guests:Mary Riddell (NE), Rick Osterberg (UN-NE).


Secretary�s Report, Kathy Dacey (BGSC):Minutes from 1-18-05 were accepted with several small typographical changes.


Treasurer�s Report, Carol Healey (SAC):Checking Account:$101,433.55

����������������������������������������������������������� ������� �����Money Market:$109,000.00

Carol Healey (SAC) asked that teams cash their checks in a timely manner.


Annual Meeting:Budget presented, motion made to accept budget as proposed by Mariella Allard (UN-NE), 2nd by Bob Gauvin (SCA), motion passes.


Discussion:Comment made that United States Swimming is having a large number of additional meetings throughout the year, in addition to the National Convention, where a number of officers from the Association are requested to attend.These meetings are very worthwhile, informative and will help the NE Association continue to provide quality events and activities for our members, such as Age Group Meetings, Build a Pool Sessions, General Chairman Meetings (which are now 2x a year).The costs for these meetings will have to be built into the budget.The budget will be re-written with a line item for US Swimming Meetings.This budget will be distributed at the Annual Meeting.Motion made to accept this amendment, moved and accepted.


Discussion regarding the Slate of Officers, the current Treasurer, Age Group Chairman and Technical Chairman are eligible for an additional term.


Discussion regarding the Board of Review and Alternates.The Nominating Committee will meet after the Annual Meeting to elect a Chairman, Ev Crosscup (BAT) has been nominated.Eligible to vote at the Annual meeting are Board Members, and one vote from each registered team.Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) listed the ten At-Large votes he is permitted to name for the Annual Meeting:Joe Bernal (BGSC), Mary Gentry (NCAC), Harriet Kinnett (MAG), Rosemarie Meisner (MAG), Matt Craven (SAC),Amy Parratto (SSA), Caitlin Grant (SSA), Harold Whitney (SSA), Bruce Mohl (Prior Chairman, SSA), Rick Osterberg (Webmaster, UN-NE).Motion made to accept these nominations, moved and accepted.



Coach�s Representative, Michelle Bernal (BGSC):Michelle Bernal (BGSC) will prepare and post and Adhere to an Agenda at the Coach�s Meeting at the Annual Meeting.Elections will be held at the end of the meeting.


Camps, Amy Parratto (SSA):The upcoming camp still has a small number of spaces available.


Zones:The Zone forms require some updating; cuts for the summer meet will be available after the May meeting.


Official Report, Dave LeBlanc (YNS) and Scott Doty (PSC):Two officials from New England will be attending the National Clinic to be held in Colorado Springs over Memorial Day weekend � Lyn Lunde (SSY) and Brian Gainely (NCAC).An Officials meeting will be held prior to the Annual Meeting in May.They are pleased to announce that there are a large number of Referees signed up for the clinic at the Annual Meeting.


The Officials Chairmen are working to have the New England Long Course Open Meet designated as a National Qualifying Meet for officials.This will help train our local officials, and will get NE athletes used to this type of competition.They are also discussing ways to recruit more officials from the parents of younger swimmers. They are striving to keep better track of officials who are certified and get information to them in an organized and timely fashion.They are also working to establish a �Guide to Official Observation of High School Meets�, as this is a constant question.They announced that the 2005 Cerebral Palsy World Championship Swim Meet will be held July 5-7, 2005 at Connecticut College.Volunteer officials are needed, and there exists the potential for athletes to volunteer their time to assist with this important event.


National Convention:Attending the National Convention September 13-18, 2005 will be the General Chairman, Vice Chairman, Senior Chairman, Age Group Chairman, Coach�s Representative, Athlete�s Representative and the Junior Athlete�s Representative.Registrations are due on August 1, 2005 TO AVOID THE LATE FEE.�� (New England pays the registration fee for members attending.)Discussion regarding how to handle the registration fee if someone backs out at the last minute from attending the Convention.(Should the person backing out reimburse NE the cost of the registration?)Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) and Amy Parratto (SSA) attend the Convention, and have a vote, because they are on National Committees (Safety and Camps).


Fees for Clubs for 2006 are set as follows:$175 for those registered by 12/1/05

����������������������������������������������������������� ��������� $225 for those registering 12/2/05 or later

New clubs pay the lower fee regardless of the time of year they are registering, for that first year.Motion made to accept this fee structure, motion passes.


Technical Committee:Minutes from Technical Committee meeting on April 2, 2005 are attached to and made a part of this report.The following changes were made:


Add to 1st paragraph for �End of Season Meets�:Check due within 6 weeks.

2nd paragraph:(Explanation:end of season per swimmer charges are not allowed for these meets.)


3rd paragraph:Age Group Qualifier for Long Course:Swimmer participation fees can be charged for this meet.


4th paragraph:as written.


5th paragraph now reads:Selection Requirements for Teams to be Able to Run End of Season Meets:The committee recommends that if there are competing bids for an end of season meet, priority MAY (not will) be given to teams that have bid on another New England calendar meet.


6th paragraph:as written.


7th paragraph:The following change:The timing assignments will be based on the number of swimmers each team has in EACH SESSION (no in the meet).


8th paragraph:as written.


9th paragraph:as written.


10th paragraph:as written.


New England Swimming Calendar:


1st paragraph:as written.


2nd paragraph:Add:The late bid will be considered by the Calendar Committee.


3rd paragraph:as written, except last 3 sentences refer to 8 & Under meet � these sentences are removed and deferred until later discussion.


4th paragraph:Add sentence:The final decision rests with the calendar committee.


5th paragraph:Add sentence:For the time to be added to the SWIMS data base, the event must be sanctioned.


6th paragraph:as written.


7th paragraph:Additional explanation:If New England sanctions a non-calendar meet, as a service to the New England Swimming community; the results will be placed on the New England website.However, the results will not be with the New England Swimming calendar but will be found in another part of the website.Additionally, it will be the responsibility of the host team to send a back-up copy of the results to the Webmaster/NE Swimming Office, NOT A LINK TO A WEBSITE.

Lottery Process:Lengthy discussion about this process; the topic was tabled until after the Zone meeting when New England can get feedback from other zones, and further discuss this issue at the Age Group, Senior and Meet managers meetings at the Annual meeting in May.


Motion to adjourn made by Mariella Allard (UN-NE), 2nd by Ev Crosscup (BAT), motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dacey, Secretary

New England Swimming