New England Swimming

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

June 6, 2006


Members Present:Ray Grant (SSA), Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), Bob Gauvin (SCA), Sophia Slote (SNAP), Ray Grant, Jr. (SSA), Sherry Wingfield (NAS), Mariella Allard (UN-NE), Dan Warner (NSSC), Ev Crosscup (BAT), Carol Healey (SAC), Joseph Frazier (BGSC), Scott Doty (PSC), Matt Craven (SAC), Kathy Dacey (BGSC).Guests:Mary Riddell (UN-NE), Rick Osterberg (UN-NE).


Secretary�s Report, Kathy Dacey (BGSC):unavailable at this meeting.


Treasurer�s Report, Carol Healey (SAC):Checking Account:$116,213.03 as of 6/6/06


Reimbursement, Mary Riddell (UN-NE):Mary Riddell presented the requests for reimbursement, motion made to accept the requests as detailed by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), 2nd by Dan Warner, motion passes.$5,000 limit hit for the Sectional reimbursement.


Policy for �06-�07:Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) to further discuss next year�s policy with the Executive Committee and then open it up for further discussion before the entire Board.


Appointments to the Board:Eve Crosscup (BAT), Mariella Allard (Un-NE), Scott Doty (PSC), Chuck Batchelor (ABF) & Pam Warner (UN-NE) are currently the At-Large appointments to the Board.Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) will make new appointments at the next Board meeting.


Junior Athlete Representative:Essays from four candidates were reviewed and Ben Daus-Haberle (BAT) was elected the new Junior Athlete Representative.Motion made by Kathy Dacey, second by Ev Crosscup to destroy the ballots.


Review of Annual Meeting:Officials (Scott Doty, PSC):the meeting was well attended, everyone appears to be happy and found the meeting useful.Coaches Meeting (Sherry Wingfield, NAS):the meeting was well attended and very useful.Meet Manager�s Meeting (Mariella Allard, UN-NE):excellent meeting and sanctions were reviewed thoroughly.


Zone Meeting:Ray Grant (SSA) and Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) were unable to attend due to heavy rain at Logan Airport canceling flights.Laura Matuszack (GMA) attended and reported on the major items discussed.The format for the Eastern Zone meet was discussed, again considering removing the 15 & Over age group.Short Course Sectionals for 2007 were awarded to Harvard University.


Discussion regarding raising the fee for NE swimmers who participate in the Zone Meet.Motion made to raise the fee to $450 for swimmers 11& up and to $150 for 10 & under swimmers.Motion passes with one in opposition (Sophia Slote (SNAP) and 2 abstain (Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) and Carol Healey (SAC).


Calendar Committee, Bob Gauvin (SCA):Long Course Championships are to be hosted by NE at MIT.No bids have been received yet for short course �07 meets; however bids are not due until July 1, 2006.Committee Chair Bob Gauvin (SCA) is looking for a speaker for the banquet.


Calendar Committee Chair Bob Gauvin (SCA) asks the NE Swimming Community to be sure to have a COACH come directly to the meet director or the referee at a championship meet if there are questions regarding a swimmer�s time.After the meet the meet director should be contacted directly, always by a coach.


National Convention:Attending the National Convention on behalf of New England Swimming will be Chairman Ray Grant (SSA), Vice Chairman Bob Gauvin (SCA), Senior Chairman Mike Parratto (SSA), Coach�s Representative Matt Craven (SAC) and the Senior and Junior Athlete Representatives Sophia Slote and Ben Daus-Haberle.United States Swimming is asking that all Registration Chairmen attend the convention, motion made to have Mary Riddell attend by Dan Warner, 2nd by Joe Frazier, motion passes.It should be noted that Chairmen of National Committees are also required to attend and the local association pays their expenses to convention.


Technical Committee:No report.


Other:Camp Report:A camp was held May 20 at Wellesley College, 36 swimmers from 15 clubs signed up, 32 attended.Laura Matuszack, Dave Bott and Kerri Cunningham were the coaches.Camp Director Amy Parratto (SSA) asked that the small profit made by the camp be split between the coaches.Chairman Ray Grant asked that a group gather to discuss evenly compensating coaches within NE for outside coaching, in events such as Zones, camps and attending the Banquet Clinic.This request was tabled to allow time to create a consistent policy.Matt Craven (SAC) to coordinate this effort.


Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) thanked Kathy Dacey (BGSC) and Carol Healey (SAC) for diligently following through on making sure that NE has all of its Commonwealth of Massachusetts filings in order to be forwarded on to National.


An announcement was made that Chris Mance, a longtime New England swimmer has been seriously injured in a fire at Ohio State University.Chris, who swam for ABF and represented NE multiple times at Zones meets, is in an induced coma while recuperating.His mother reports that they are hopeful that he will be moved to MGH from his current facility in Ohio sometime soon.New England Swimming voted unanimously to send something to Mrs. Mance on behalf of the NE Swimming community.


Ray Grant, Jr. (SSA) suggested setting up a minimal scholarship for a NE swimmer � nothing based on swimming times � instead suggesting a drawing from all applicants.Ray Grant, Jr. (SSA) will work with Sophia Slote (SNAP) and Ben Daus-Haberle (BAT) to �tweak� this concept.


New England Swimming wants to encourage all teams to submit bids for meets � even if the facility is not perfect.Bid if you think you can run a good meet, regardless of the competition.


Meet Referees are announced for 13 & Overs � Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) & for 12 & Unders � Bob Menck (UN-NE).


The next meeting of New England Swimming is scheduled for July 11, 2006.Check the website for additional information.The September meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 19, 2006.


Meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dacey, Secretary

New England Swimming