New England Swimming

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

March 25, 2008


Members Present: Ray Grant (SSA), Kathy Dacey (BGSC), Joe Frazier (BGSC), Carol Healey (SAC), Laura Matuszak (GMA), Bob Menck (UN-NE), Sherry Wingfield (NAS), Bob Gauvin (SCA), Mariella Allard (UN-NE), Pam Warner (UN-NE), Ben Daus-Haberle (ABF). Guests: Rick Osterberg (Webmaster), Mary Riddell (NE Swimming Office).


Secretary's Report, Kathy Dacey (BGSC): Minutes of the January 7, 2008 meeting accepted. Motion made to accept minutes with small typographical changes made by Bob Gauvin (SCA), second by Joe Frazier (BGSC), motion passes.


Treasurer's Report, Carol Healey (SAC): Accounts are as follows as of 1/7/08:

            Checking Account:������������������� $ 56,140.70

            Certificate of Deposit:��������������� $120,681.41

Motion made to accept the treasurer's report by Mariella Allard (UN-NE), second by Bob Gauvin (SCA), motion passes.


Reimbursement, Mary Riddell, (NE Swimming Office): Patrick Murphy (NCAC) has fulfilled all the requirements for his submitted reimbursement request. Motion made to reimburse Patrick Murphy (NCAC) by Ben Daus-Haberle (ABF), second by Laura Matuszak (GMA), motion passes.


Calendar, Bob Gauvin (SCA): The 12 & Under meet held at Attleboro was a huge success, and a good time was had by all. Long Course calendar is set with 9 short course meets, 6 short course meter meets and 13 Long Course meets in addition to the championship meets. Age Group Qualifier is scheduled for Dover, NH July 10-13, the 12 & Under Championships will be a Trials and Finals meet in Dover, NH July 17-10, the New England Open will be at Harvard July 25-28, and the 8 & Under Specialty meet will be held at Greenwood July 25-27.


Dual Meets for SWIMS times - teams must complete sanction permission paperwork, pay New England Swimming splash fees, use the proper officials and need permission from the calendar committee. Times can be used for sectional qualifying times. Motion made by Joe Frazier (BGSC), second by Pam Warner (UN-NE), motion passes.


If the weekend is a protected weekend, as identified on the New England/USA Swimming calendar, then NO MEETS shall be sanctioned or approved. Motion made to accept this by Carol Healey, second by Pam Warner, motion passes. Sherry Wingfield (NAS) abstains.


"Consequences for teams who do not follow New England Swimming meet hosing policies: Teams who do not wish to have specific teams in their met must file a complaint with New England Swimming that is approved by the Review Board. Teams who have complaints about host teams and the meet hosting policies must file a formal complaint with New England Swimming that is reviewed by the Review Board."


Second Offense - $1.50 per splash and no sanctions and/or approvals for the next 2 seasons that sanctions and/or approvals are applied for. Motion made by accept these rules for approved meets made by Ben Daus-Haberle (ABF) second by Bob Gauvin (SCA), motion passes. Carol Healey (SAC) abstains.


Discussion regarding Relays at Age Group Championships (12 & unders/13 & Overs Only):

1-4 Qualified = 1 relay unlimited relay only swimmers

5-8 (or more) Qualified = 2 relays, unlimited relay only swimmers

Relay only swimmers are allowed on deck and in warm-up only during the session in which they are swimming. Relay only swimmers must be listed on the entry form. Championship meets = 2 relays only from each team will score.

Motion made to accept this by Carol Healey (SAC), second by Ben Daus-Haberle (ABF), motion passes.


Budget: Motion made by Mariella Allard (UN-NE) and Carol Healey (SAC) to increase the fee for membership in NES to $60 effective September, 2008. Motion passes.


Nominating Committee: Motion made to accept the slate presented by Bob Gauvin (SCA), second by Bob Menck (NE Officials), motion passes.


Policy Manual, Laura Matuszak (GMA) - working to put all policies in one place, and decisions are being made on how to structure the format.


Long Course Zone Team, Sherry Wingfield (NAS): hotel and food is all set for this trip, they are taking 2 buses. The pool situation is challenging, as there are 2 pools in Rockville, one indoors and one outdoors. They are working on the team attire. Motion made to adjust the fees for participation as follows: Chaperones $150.00, 10 & Unders $150.00, over 10 years old, $450.00. These fees cover transportation, hotel, food, attire and entry for athletes over 10 years old. Motion made to accept these fees by Kathy Dacey (BGSC), second by Pam Warner, motion passes.


Athlete Representative Ben Daus Haberle (ABF): Working on the Junior Athlete applications.


Officials, Bob Menck (UN-NE): there are 315 registered officials, with 45 new ones in-process, all is well and Paul Maker and Joannie Biesel did an excellent job at the Attleboro 12 & Under meet.


The position of Junior Coach Representative is open and Chuck Batchelor (ABF) would like to finish out the 1.5 months remaining in this position. Motion made by Bob Gauvin (SCA) second by Laura Matuszak (GMA) to fill this position, motion passes.


There are two positions open in New England, Open Water and Camp Coordinator. There will also be 5 available positions for At-Large seats on the Board.


The next meeting of the Board of New England Swimming will be at the Annual Meeting to be held May 10, 2008 at the Wellesley Community Center, at 9 a.m.


Motion made to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. by Kathy Dacey (BGSC) and second by Pam Warner (UN-NE).


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dacey, Secretary

New England Swimming