New England Swimming

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

November 17, 2008


Members Present: Laura Matuszak (GMA), Kathy Dacey (UN-NE), Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), Joe Frazier (BGSC), Carol Healey (SAC), Mariella Allard (UN-NE), Mary Ellen Tynan (PSC), Matt Craven (SAC), Chuck Batchelor (ABF), Jessica Harrison (SAC), Bob Menck (UN-NE), Jamie Bloom (WYST), Tim Murphy (BOSS), Pam Warner (UN-NE) Guests: Sherry Wingfield (NAS), Mary Riddell (NE-Office), Rick Osterberg (Webmaster), Nadine Jesionek.


Quorum established at 7:11 p.m.


Secretary�s Report, Mary Ellen Tynan (PSC): Motion made to accept the minutes of October 20, 2008 with minor edits by Matt Craven (SAC). Second by Mariella Allard (UN-NE). Motion passes.


Treasurer�s Report, Carol Healey (SAC): Accounts are as follows as of November 17, 2008:

Checking Account: $107, 196.68

Certificate of Deposit: $52,404.68

Money Market Account: $128, 030.77


The accountant has review our financial statements through August 31, 2008.They are in perfect order. Wants us to buy Quick Books.


Reimbursement Policy 2008�2009, Laura Matuszak (GMA): Ray Grant (SSA) not in attendance.

Who should be reimbursed?: Current policy states that �A swimmer must request the reimbursement within eight weeks of the meet.� It does not indicate specifically who will be reimbursed.

Tim Murphy (BOSS) feels it is the Board�s responsibility to send the reimbursement back to the swimmer only, not a club.We need to clarify to whom the check should be made out. Chuck Batchelor (ABF) would like the club or swimmer to be able to make the request for reimbursement. Rick Osterberg (Webmaster) suggested the parents should be able to make the request for reimbursement for a swimmer.Discussion revolved around who can make the request and who should receive the reimbursement. Chuck Batchelor (ABF) would like the policy to say that the �swimmer or club� can receive the reimbursement payment and if there is abuse by the club, it will come out. Athletes might have trouble submitting reimbursement requests if the club has the receipts if the club booked the trip.It is easier to write one check to one club as opposed to checks to 15 athletes. Matt Craven (SAC) pointed out that some athletes don�t know there is a reimbursement if the club does not file it. Carol Healey (SAC) said that from the auditors standpoint it is difficult to have the checks made payable to individuals.


- Chuck Batchelor (ABF) makes a motion to add �or club� to the request.Seconded by Pam Warner (UN-NE).


Tim Murphy (BOSS) commented that convenience is not the issue. To whom do we want the checks written?

Abuse of the system by clubs, convenience of reimbursement, reimbursement to the entity that actually paid for the travel, the intent of the policy were discussed. Matt Craven (SAC) called for a vote.

Vote on Chuck Batchelor�s (ABF) motion to add �or club� to the policy so it would read �A swimmer or club must request the reimbursement within eight weeks of the meet.� Motion fails.

- Bob Menck (UN-NE) makes motion made for policy to read �A swimmer must request the reimbursement within eight weeks of the meet, and the check will be issued to the swimmer.�Second by Mariella Allard (UN-NE).


Mariella Allard (UN-NE) suggested that the swimmer or club should be able to request the reimbursement. Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) made an amendment to the motion that �swimmer or club� can request the reimbursement, but the reimbursement check goes to the athlete. Tim Murphy (BOSS) suggested that we might want to consider that the athlete�s parent could get the check. Matt Craven (SAC) called for a vote.

Laura Matuszak (GMA) asked all in favor of amended motion that �A swimmer or club must request the reimbursement within eight weeks of the meet, but the swimmer will receive the reimbursement check�.

Rick Osterberg (Webmaster) amended the motion to add parent to the request. Motion passes. �A swimmer, parent or club can request the reimbursement, but the check will be issued to the swimmer.�

- Bob Menck (UN-NE) made motion to addmaximum reimbursement�. Second by Check Batchelor (ABF).Motion passed.


Back-to-Back Meets: Current policy states that �Swimmers will not be reimbursed for both Conoco Phillips National Championships and the USA Swimming Junior Nationals in the same season.�

Mary Riddell (NE-Office) asked how we want to reimburse for Jr. Nationals and Open this year. They are back-to-back and being held at the same venue.Also, we need to add Open Water Championships to the reimbursement schedule. Carol Healey (SAC) asked that if both meets are in California and the swimmer stayed for both can they be reimbursed twice? Chuck Batchelor (ABF) cautioned not to make policy based on the name of the meet as USA Swimming changes the names and length of the meets.


- Bob Menck (UN-NE) made a motion that if two meets are within the same venue or within 30 miles of each other, policy should give guidelines for reimbursement.Jamie Bloom (WYST) seconded.


Tim Murphy (BOSS) asked if we should take into consideration what is best for the athletes in that situation?

Chuck Batchelor (ABF) said we should err on the side of reimbursing more, not less. If must get only one, it should be the more expensive one. Mary Riddell (NE-Office) noted that if Open and Junior Nationals are back to back, they would be reimbursed $900 which is more than Olympic Trials.Laura Matuszak (GMA) said that swimmers would not be reimbursed for consecutive meets held in the same location right now. Tim Murphy (BOSS) asked if we are open to reimbursing a figure per day. (i.e. 3 day meet at $100/day). Concerns over policing for days actually competing, food, flight, etc were addressed. Carol Healey (SAC) asked Joe Frazier (BGSC) what was spent last year for reimbursement.

- Bob Menck (UN-NE) removes his motion.


-Chuck Batchelor (ABF) makes a motion, if budget allows, that if A & B meets are back-to-back set a number to reimburse for meets A & B and reduce the amount of reimbursement for the second (less expensive) meet.Second by Bob Menck (UN-NE).


Joe Frazier (BGSC) asked how many swimmers are we talking about? Mary Riddell (NE-Office) noted it is typically less than ten. Chuck Batchelor (ABF) stated that a good percentage at Open could go to Juniors.Kathy Dacey (UN-NE) addressed fiscal responsibility. We need an overall philosophy about where we are going financially.Laura Matuszak (GMA) reported we will have a strategic planning meeting in April to address this. Carol Healey (SAC) moved to vote. Second by Bob Menck (UN-NE).Motion passes.

Mary Riddell (NE-Office): Amounts?After discussion amounts were suggested at 2008 Short Course Nationals � 3 days- $400, 2008 Short Course Junior Nationals � 3 days - $300, 2009 National Championships � 5.5 days- $800, 2009 US Open � 4.5 days - $700,2009 Speedo Junior Nationals � 4.5 days - $500, Open Water National 10K in June - $300.


-Chuck Batchelor(ABF) made a motion to approve reimbursements amounts listed above.Second by Priscilla.Motion passes.


Waivers: Carol Healey (SAC) made a motion that no waivers will be allowed..Second by Kathy Dacey (UN-NE).


Joe Frazier (BGSC) noted that part of waiver issue is lack of attendance by these swimmers at New England meets. Chuck Batchelor (ABF) says waivers are important as swimmers get shut out of meets, especially over the summer. Tim Murphy (BOSS) noted the biggest problem is we grant waivers with no clear guidelines. Joe Frazier (BGSC) suggested that if we did not give waivers we could reimburse other swimmers at a higher rate. Chuck Batchelor (ABF) asked if we want college kids to come back and represent New England teams at these big meets? Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) stated if they can�t come back to swim meets in New England, they should not be reimbursed.

Laura Matuszak (GMA):All in favor of �No Waivers�?Motion passes.


- Bob Menck (UN-NE) moves for 1 waiver in lifetime, second by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE).

Motion fails.No waiver policy remains in effect.


Calendar Issues for Short Course, Laura Matuszak (GMA):

12 and unders:at Upper Valley Aquatic Center in Vermont.

Seniors: Seeking facility. May also be at Upper Valley Aquatic Center.Bid submitted.Clarification as they have reserved the facility for New England Swimming to run.

Fifth Regional Site: No Regional Site yet.Still inviting bids.

Laura Matuszak (GMA):would like to see a plan of what is coming down the road.


Implementation of USA Swimming policy on pool measurement, Laura Matuszak (GMA):

Must include in the meet announcement whether or not the competition course has been certified.Rick Osterberg (Webmaster) will amend the Meet Template.Amherst College is certified.Chuck Batchelor (ABF) asked if there is support on how to get pools certified. Laura Matuszak (GMA) reported that the person must be licensed in your state or jurisdiction.


Technical Committee Laura Matuszak (GMA): Ray Grant (SSA) was not able to attend this meeting.


Official�s Report, Bob Menck (UN-NE):An excellent clinic was held at GMSC Meet.A recertification clinic was held before the meet so that observations and certifications could be done during the meet.


Coaches� Report, Chuck Batchelor (ABF): Asked how Age Group cuts were determined.Matt Craven (SAC) reported that A times (2005-2008) were used for 12 and unders.Longer races have faster cut times and shorter races have slower cut times. Chuck said that he will work with Nadine Jesionek on the coaches� education.


Athlete�s Report, Jessica Harrison (SAC):No report at this time.



Mary Riddell (UN-NE): Registrations are up.We are at 4700 athletes so far for 2009 which is up from last year.Mary will be away Tuesday-Saturday and may be out mid-December.

Nadine Jesionek: got lane lines from Matt Craven (SAC).She is working on BEST becoming a non-profit organization.She is in need of a grant writer.Learn-to-swim is growing and she needs instructors.Charles River Aquatics has been helping her.

Chuck Batchelor (ABF): ABF Boosters filed a 501(c)(3) for non-profit status.He will get in touch with Nadine Jesionek to help them out.

Rick Osterberg (Webmaster):Clark Pool at UMASS Boston is certified. We are still having Registration issues.Meet hosts are still not checking athlete registration after getting entries and before running the meet.They need to check the online registration.Should we fine both host teams and teams entering unregistered swimmers?

Sherry Wingfield (NAS): She has helped with Bay State Games in the past.Gary Brown has left the Bay State Games Organization.She is concerned as to what will happen with approvals and sanctions.What will happen if it is in conflict with a protected weekend?Rick Osterberg (Webmaster) commented that �Approved Meets� have to pay a surcharge.Bay State Games Finals are the same weekend as Qualifiers. Gary Brown now works for Harvard Athletics.Rick will try to find out more information from him. Mary Riddell (NE-Office) reported that insurance covers the meets.Sherry feels the BSG meet should be �Approved�.

Priscilla Davis (UN-NE): Marshall�s card is finally in print.

Laura Matuszak (GMA):Have not yet heard back from Peter Clark at the National Office� strategic planning will be in April.


Next meeting � Monday, January 5th, 2009 at 7PM at the Wellesley Community Center.

Motion to adjourn made by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), second by Mary Ellen Tynan (PSC) Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Tynan, Secretary

New England Swimming