In search of donations of new or gently used caps, goggles and practice suits!

In search of donations of new or gently used caps, goggles and practice suits!


The Over the Rhino Swim Team  is in need of new or gently used caps, goggles and practice competition suits.  If you are a swim family, you probably have a few of these laying around, right?


Let’s put them to good use!  You can drop off these items at the following locations:


If you are a PCY swimmer, place them in a bag with Laura Connock’s name on it, and leave it in the swim team office, or in our family folder.


If you are a Seadragons swimmer, leave them with Coach Brianna Connock during practice, or give them to Laura or Brianna  at the next meet.


Or feel free to leave them in a bag on our front porch, 239 Ritchie Avenue.


We will hand deliver them to the team once we get a collection of them to distribute.   


Note:  it’s ok if your donated suit or cap has another team’s logo on it.  It can still be worn for practice.  Very few of these kids have actual competition gear.


Thanks and GO TEAM!