Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated Board of Directors


Minutes of the meeting of February 17, 2004   (Quorum equals 7 people)




Executive Board Members:                 David Braun, Dave Goble, Drew Walden, Paul Lundsten, Jack Boder


Other Voting Board Members:            Olga Espinosa, Rocky O’Neil, Michael Bougie, Kathy Czuprynski, Dennis Dale, Neil Mahoney


Appointed Committee Members:        Bob Pearson, David Cameron, Ellen Youngers


MSI Staff:                                              Cassy Shapley, Sheryl McGuire


Non-Board Members:                           Al Ness (Twin), John Sfire (ROC), Susan Dolan (EDI), Jim White (EDI), Dave Arnold (RWSC), Rick Biggs, rick Dunham (M3F), Cindy McCollum.  


The General Chair called meeting to order at   7:35 p.m.


Motion:  To approve the minutes of the meeting for January 20, 2004.    Seconded; Passed with corrections.


New Business (Action Items):


  • Sue Dolan- president of Edina Swim Club want to increase splash fee for Aquamania meet to $4.25 per splash and add a $1.00 per athlete surcharge.


Motion: to allow Edina SC to raise the splash fee to $4.25 and add a $1.00 to athlete surcharge for 2004 Aquamania only.  Edina SC we’ll have to present their financials after 2004 meet.  Seconded; passed, not unanimous.


  • Drew Walden, Joh Sfire, Jack Border and Ron Murphy agreed to review meet fee situation and present report in April BOD.


  • Jack Border presented proposal for registration fee increase starting 9/1/2004.


Motion: to divide the proposed legislation to three parts: $ 6.00 raise, $ 50.00 and $ 100.00 raise.  Seconded; passed, unanimous.

Motion: to table this proposal as presented till April BOD.  Seconded; passed, not unanimous.


  • Motion: to discuss bills about participation in Minnesota High School Swimming.  Motion: for MSI to support Dave Braun as he presents the bills to HS league.  Seconded; passed, unanimous.



Old Business (Action Items):



Executive Officer Reports


General Chair Report:          David Braun


No report



Administrative Vice-Chair:   Dave Goble


No Report



Senior Vice-Chair:                Jean Freeman


Not present/ no report



Age Group Vice-Chair:         Drew Walden


No report



Finance Vice-Chair:              Jack Boder


Balance sheet




Senior Coach Rep:               Paul Lundsten


No report



Junior Coach Rep:               Dennis Dale


No report



Senior Athlete Rep:              Sarah Solfeldt


Not present/ no report


Junior Athlete Rep:              Neil Mahoney


No report



Voting Committee Chair / Coordinator Reports


Safety Coordinator:             Kathy Czuprynski

-          3/28/04 10:00 am safety training

-          6/6/04   10:00 am safety training



Technical Planning Chair:   Rocky O’Neil


No report




Officials Committee Chair: Michael Bougie


145 officials, 36 referees, 22 starters and 87 stroke and turn officials.




Non-Voting Standing Committee Chair / Coordinator Reports



Legislative Chair:                                 Jim Goetz


No report


TIMES / NTV Coordinator:   Dave Shapley


No report


Adaptive Swimming Chair: Marlene Goblish


No report



Public Relations Chair:        Bob Pearson


Age group of the month – web ( 8 month trial run, not performance based), Olympic year ( list of trials qualifiers- web), cable televison and coaches corner- web ( what is happening in our sport, workout ideas).


Motion: to accept the proposal to put OT qualifiers on the MSI web.  Seconded, passed, unanimous.



Webmaster:                           Matt Brown


Not present/ no report



Equipment:                            Jeff Chida


No report



Registration / Membership: Cassy Shapley


4485 atlhletes, 517 non- athletes, 61 clubs and 1 organizations- as of February 2004



Records Chair: Ellen Youngers                            


No report



Meet Sanction Coordinator:               Sheryl McGuire


No report



Outreach Coordinator:        David Cameron


No report



Board of Review:                  John Witzel


No report



Nomination Committee:       Paul Lundsten


No report



Order of Events Comm:       Rocky O’Neil


No report



2004 Central Zone Comm:   Al Ness


No report




Unfinished Business (Discussion Only):




New Business (Discussion Only):






Motion to adjourn at: 9:25 pm.