Approved Draft

Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated

Board of Directors

Minutes of the meeting of February 20, 2001

(Quorum equals 10 people)


Present: Sue Griffin, Jack Boder, Kathy Benyo-Albrecht, David Hulit, Sheryl McGuire, Larry Thoen, Bob Pearson, Kathy Czuprynski, Betsey Aby, Jane Klembarsky, Bob Peterson, Tim Mann, Jenn Wallace, Ron Murphy, Ellen Younger, Bob Herlinger, Dean Schulz, Michael Bougie, David Villafana, Paul Lundsten, Jerry Simpson, John Witzel,Dennis Dale, Joel Shinofeld, Chip Fetcher, Paul Windrath, Rocky O�Neill, Natalie Kuramoto, Jeff Chida, Cassy Shapley, Jeff Rodriguez,


Meeting was called to order by the General Chair at 7:42pm.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the meeting for January 16,2001. Seconded: Passed.


Officer Reports


General Chair: Sue Griffin

At the present time there are 3 complaints that are to be heard by National between now and the end of April.

1.      Regarding A/B/C meets, where there is a question of �falsifying� an entry, whether it be that the swimmer is not a USA registered athlete or entered as an incorrect time standard, the $25.00 fine specified is to go to MSI club development.

2.      At this time we have no �proof of times � meets standards. There is no dollar amount fine attached, but the swimmer is not allowed to swim.

3.      There are 2 handouts available in the MSI office from National: They are first: an insurance plan that is available for individuals and families. Second:information regarding the 2001 open water swim championships.



Ex-Officio: Bob Pearson

No Report


Administrative Vice Chair: Jack Boder

1.      Jack continues to work on the policy and procedure manuals with Kathy Albrecht, Tim Mann and Ellen Youngers. He had a hand-out of the tables of contents for the policies and procedures so far written. Asked those in attendance what kinds of things they would like to see policies and procedures written about.



Senior Vice Chair: Dennis Dale

1.      Stated that this past weekend the MIAC men�s and women�s championships were held at the U of M Aquatic Center. St. Olaf finished 1st for the men and Carlton finished 1st for the women.

2.      U of M finished 6th this year in the Big 10. Sending 3 women to the NCAA meet.

3.      Big 10 men�s Championship starts at 12n on Thursday.U of M, Michigan and Penn State are the top 3 to watch.





Age-Group Vice Chair: Jane Klembarsky

1.      Thanked Dave Braun for stepping forward to be this years Zone Team co-manager.Joel Shinofeld will be the Head Coach for the zone.

2.      At the present time, there is no 2001-2002 schedule to look at.

3.      A/B/C finals for the summer: Looking at the �projected numbers� We anticipate about 530 swimmers in each meet.Jane has asked the host sites to extend the meet to all day Friday to accommodate the possible large number of swimmers and splashes.

St. Cloud and Richfield said, �OK�.Winona will not be able to accommodate this.There was some discussion as to our options. No final decisions made at this time.


Finance Chair: Dave Hulit

**See financial report that was distributed.**

1. Dave stated that MSI had not filed tax returns for the last 2 years. This is presently being brought up to date. He is seeking quotes for a financial audit. Asked if there would be any financial penalties. Dave stated that he is working with an accounting firm now. Penalties at this time were not specific.


Senior Coach Rep: Bob Herlinger

No Report


Senior Athlete Rep: Sarah Wollenhaupt

Not present


Junior Coach Rep: Paul Lundsten

No Report


Junior Athlete Rep: Blair Buccicone

Not Present


Technical Planning Chair: Rocky O�Neill

No Report


Safety Coordinator: Kathy Czuprynski

1.      Kathy had a safety report from the LSC ( see hand-out)

2.      There will be a coach�s safety training class on April 1st.


Official�s Chair: Michael Bougie

1.      Michael reported that at the present time we have 123 officials (34 referee�s, 23 starters and 66 stroke and turn officials.)

2.      Reminded everyone that as the end of the season approaches, there are 3 weekends straight of meets coming up. The officials have bid on a meet for the weekend of June 2-3-2001. This is an �A� meet at the U of M.The purpose is to get as many officials working on areas that they need experience with. This includes operating the Colorado Timing system and Hytek. Michael will be sending out a newsletter to the officials with in the next few weeks.

3.      Michael wanted discussion on the slip-in entry rule for upcoming meets, where we would be having teams from out of town, who may not be familiar with MSI�s rules of enforcing that rule. It was decided (after discussion) that out of state swimmers would be given a �warning� (and documented on a DQ slip, that would be held by the official) If that particular swimmer were called on the slip in entry again, they would be out of their next event. These multiple violations could be verified using the DQ slips.



Legislative Chair: Betsey Aby

No Report


Adaptive Swimming Chair: Jenn Wallace

No Report


OVC Chair:Dave Shapley

Not present, but Cassey reported for him that in the swimming FYI, there is information regarding the upcoming sectional meet.


Public Relations Chair: David Villafana

No Report


Equipment Chair: Ron Murphy

No Report


Registration/Membership Chair/Office: Cassy Shapley

1.      Reported that the registration report for January (see hand-out)was not seen at that time.At the present time we have 4338 athletes, compared to 4193 last year, with 58 clubs and 2 organizations.

2.      Cassey was asked by the building supervisors to notify us of �tighter security� when in the building. She is asking that we each wear our badges, and ora name tag stating you we have business with.


Swim meet Sanction Coordinator: Sheryl McGuire

No Report


USS/LSC Camp Coordinator: Jane Klembarsky

No Report


Records Chair: Cathy Franke

Not present


Outreach Chair: Joel Shinofeld

No report


Review Committee: John Witzel

(Elected that evening) No Report


Nominating Committee: Bob Pearson

No Report


Unfinished Business





New Business


Edina Pool Presentation:Coach Jeff Rodriguiez

Jeff stated that Edina is in the process of re-building their 50 meter pool, and was looking to see how many people/teams would be interested in using/renting this facility. Jeff had information available on the back table.



Motion to adjourn the open portion of the meeting seconded and passed at 8:15p.

A closed board meeting to follow in the office room starting at 8:20p