Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated Board of Directors


Minutes of the meeting of February 17, 2003 (Quorum equals 7 people)


Present: Executive Board Members:              David Braun, Paul Lundsten, Chad Krastins, Jack Boder


Other Board Members:                     Tim Mann, Rocky O’Neil, Dennis Dale


Appointed Committee Members:             None Present


MSI Staff:                                             Cassy Shapley, Sheryl McGuire


Non-Board Members:              Ellen Youngers (ROC), Olga Splichalova (SCSC), Drew Walden (SEMS), Natalie Kuramoto (MCA),

Jim Hanton (MVSC), Bob Peterson (HOP), Jeff Chida (???), Rick Dunham (M3F)


Meeting was called to order by the General Chair at    7:39  p.m.


Motion:  To approve the minutes of the meeting for January 21, 2003    Seconded; Passed with no corrections.


Officer Reports


General Chair:  Dave Braun


Motion: (Tim Mann) To approve Drew Walden as new Age Group Chair.  Seconded: Paul Lundsten. Passed, Unanimous.





-    Promote and strengthen relationships with existing pool facilities

-    Become engaged statewide in facilities

-    Examine the possibility of building a pool.

-    Contact Athletic Directors of local colleges

-    Six people have already expressed an interest in serving on committee.



Administrative Vice Chair:  Joel Shinofeld              (Not Present)



Senior Vice Chair:  Jean Freeman                       (Not Present / No Report)


 Age Group Vice-Chair:  Drew Walden



Finance Vice-Chair:  Jack Boder





Senior Coach Representative:   Dennis Dale


·        MIACC Championships are this weekend at the U of MN pool. 


·        Women’s Big 10 start February 19.


Junior Coach Representative:  Paul Lundsten               No Report


Senior Athlete Representative:   Chad Krastins



Junior Representative:  Sarah Solfelt                             Not Present / No Report.


Technical Planning Chair:  Rocky O’Neill




Voting Committee Chair / Coordinator Reports


Safety Coordinator:  Kathy Czuprynski                    Not Present / No Report


Officials Committee Chair:  Michael Bougie Not Present / Written Report Submitted





Non-Voting Standing Committee Chair Reports


Legislative Chair:  Jim Goetz                           Not Present / Verbal Report given by the General Chair



Adapted Swimming Chair:  Marlene Goblish Not Present / No Report


NTV Chair:  David Shapley                          Not Present / No Report


Equipment Chair:  Ron Murphy                         Not Present / Verbal Report given by the General Chair



Public Relations Chair:  Molly Loomis             Not Present / No Report


Registration - Membership Chair/ Office:  Cassy Shapley


·        4466 Athletes in Feb 2003 (4257 Feb, 2002, 4338 Feb 2001)

§        4466 Regular (4257, 4338)

§        0 Seasonal  (0, 0)





Swim Meet Sanction Coordinator:  Sheryl McGuire            No Report


Records Chair /  Top 16 Coordinator:   :  Paul Windrath






Outreach Coordinator:  Joel Shinofield              Not Present / No Report


Board of Review:  John Witzel                           Not Present / No Report


Unfinished Business



Motion:  (Tim Mann) To approve MYWO as a new club.  Seconded (Dennis Dale), Passed, Unanimous.




Motion: (Tim Mann) Table Meet Schedule until March meeting. Seconded (Dennis Dale).  Passed, Unanimous.



Met and concluded the following:

            USA-Swimming does a poor job of communicating with members about what and why they are doing. 

            Recommendations for improving the above.

            Website needs upgrading and improvement.

            Coaches education needs updating.


Motion:  (Tim Mann)  End open session and move into closed session.  Seconded (Paul Lundsten).  Passed, Unanimous.


Closed Session of the Board


Motion:  To appoint Paul Windrath and Michael Bougie to investigate a complaint filed by Jim Teter that alleges 28 falsified entries submitted by the Rochester Swim Club Orcas into the Minnesota Long Course Championships.


Motion to adjourn at:  8:45pm.