Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated

Board of Directors

Minutes of the meeting of May 15, 2001

(Quorum equals 10 people)


Present: Jack Boder, Kathy Benyo-Albrecht, David Hulit, Sheryl McGuire, Betsey Aby, Jane Klembarsky, Tim Mann, Ron Murphy, Ellen Younger, Bob Herlinger, Michael Bougie, David Villafana, Paul Lundsten, Jerry Simpson,Joel Shinofeld, Paul Windrath, Rocky O�Neill, Jeff Chida, Cassy Shapley, John Sfire, Jenn Wallace, Robert Peterson, Clara Schisler, Jim Stewart, John Witzel, Mike Ross, John Riggs, Dennis Dale, Mike Cagley, Jeff Rodriguez, Nelson French,


Meeting was called to order by the Ad-Min Vice Chair (Jack Boder) at 7:37pm.


Motion: To approve the minutes of the meeting for April 17, 2001. Seconded:



Officer Reports


General Chair: Sue Griffin


***Ad-Min Vice Chair Jack Boder reported for Sue that any member going to the National convention in September needed to notify Cassy tonight, so she can make the proper arrangements.


Ex-Officio: Bob Pearson



Administrative Vice Chair: Jack Boder

Reported that his National hearing was �over�. The National Board found after 2 hours of information gathering that Jack had no �standing� as an individual to bring the complaint to National. The remainder of the hearing was dismissed.


Senior Vice Chair: Dennis Dale

Reported on Spring Nationals. The U of M men�s team finished 4th.The Gophers had a 2nd place finish in one of the relays. Finishing 2nd by 0.08 seconds.

Tom Malchow and Todd Smolinski placed in the 200 fly and 100 back respectively.


Finance Chair: Dave Hulit

**See financial report that was distributed.**

1.      Proposed to have MSI get an �audit�. MSI has not had an audit done in the last 3-4 years. He had a quote of $2750.00-$3100.00 from Mullerlilie and Herrington CPA firm. This �audit� would be done at the end of the fiscal year, which ends August 31st, 2001.

2.      Due to budget implications this audit would be done in the fall, after the close of the fiscal year.

����� After discussion, Dave will clarify if this cost is for a compilation, review or an audit.���

����� He will also look into what is required for a non-profit organization to have done.

3.      Jack asked for a list of CPA firm names to be given to him from Nelson French and

���� Joel Shinofeld.


Age-Group Vice Chair: Jane Klembarsky

1.      Revised copy of the meet format for fall 2001/2002 in the back for handout.

2.      Stated that Joel Shinofeld would be announcing tonight the names of the Zone Coaches.

3.      Announced that the October 21st meet weekend for this coming fall, happens the same time as the MEA break. Asking the Board to see about moving that meet weekend �up� a week. After discussion, it was decided to keep the present weekend, and see if teams have any problems bidding for that weekend.

4.      Jane asked everyone for some direction, guideline, feedback on the �oversized meet� procedure. Specifically dealing with the 4hour rule. Discussion included dropping the individual event number to 3 events per swimmer, rotating events over the next 2-3 meets, looking for 8 lane pools, and moving an entire age-group to the afternoon session. There was a suggestion to gather a committee of coaches to bring this forward at the next meeting as legislation.

5.      Joel announced the zone coaches as follows:

A-Lisa Miles �������� ����� 15-18 girls

����� Olga Spicalova������� ����������� 13-14 girls

����� Jeff Rodriguez������ ����������� 11-12 girls

����� Loren Tennold����� ���� ����������� 9-10 girls

����� Pat Anderson ������� ����������� 15-18 boys

����� Tom Fuchs����������� 13-14 boys

������ Phil or Colleen Kilpatrick11-12 boys

����� Kim Olson������������ ����������� 9-10 boys


Senior Coach Rep: Bob Herlinger

No Report


Senior Athlete Rep: Sarah Wollenhaupt



Junior Coach Rep: Paul Lundsten

No Report


Junior Athlete Rep: Blair Buccicone



Technical Planning Chair: Rocky O�Neill

1. Has formed a committee to deal with the meet order of events. This committee has not yet met.


Safety Coordinator: Kathy Czuprynski



Official�s Chair: Michael Bougie

1.      Michael reported that at the present time we have 114 officials (35 referees, 17 starters and 62 stroke and turn officials.)

2.      Reminded everyone that the officials will be hosting the �A� meet during the weekend

����� of June 2-3-2001 at the U of M.The purpose is to get as many officials working in

����� areas that they personally need experience with. This includes operating the

���� Colorado Timing system and Hytek. Stated that there will be no recalls on false

����� starts.

3.      National certification for the Sectional meet coming up in July is available.

4.      Michael purchased some videotapes on the philosophy of officiating. They are for

����� everyone�s use. They are being kept in the MSI office.


Legislative Chair: Betsey Aby

No Report. Will address new business


Adaptive Swimming Chair: Jenn Wallace

No Report


OVC Chair:Dave Shapley



Public Relations Chair: David Villafana

No Report



Equipment Chair: Ron Murphy

1.      Individual clubs need to purchase (download) version �1.4 J� of Meet Manager to combine events �after-the-fact.�

2.      Noted that the published times on the website were/are different than the times on the printed �hard copy.�Discussion here noted that our (Minnesota�s) time standards are slower than what the Zone host (Michigan) is requiring.


Motion: For the 3 teams that are hosting the meets this weekend as well as the upcoming �A� meet June 2-3, that each team make copies of the correct time standard, and hand them out at the meet. MSI would reimburse the teams for the cost of the copies.Seconded and passed.


Registration/Membership Chair/Office: Cassy Shapley

1.      ***See registration sheet that was handed out.***

2.      At present we have 5329 athletes. This is 26 less than last year. We have 574 non-athletes. 62 Clubs and 4 organizations.


Swim meet Sanction Coordinator: Sheryl McGuire

No Report


USS/LSC Camp Coordinator: Jane Klembarsky

No Report


Records Chair: Cathy Franke


***John Sfire spoke on her behalf. Stating that Cathy has done this job for a number of years, and would be grateful for a replacement. Anyone interested is to contact Jack Boder. ***


Outreach Chair: Joel Shinofeld

1.      Stated that as was written in the recent FYI, there is a form to be filled out if swimmers need a reduction in their fees. Any questions please contact Joel.



Review Committee: John Witzel

No Report


Nominating Committee: Ellen Youngers

1.      Reported on the officers that would come up for re-election this fall.

Those positions include:

Ad-min Vice chair

����������� Age-Group Chair

����������� Secretary

����������� 1 Coach Rep.

����������� 1 Athlete Rep.

����������� 3 regular members of the Board of Review

����������� 1 Alternate member for the Board of review.

If anyone is interested in running ofr those positions, please contact any member of the nominating committee: Ellen Youngers Jean Freeman, Bob Pearson, Michael Bougie.


Zone Report: Nelson French

***See hand-out.***

Reported that the Zone planning committee of Dave Braun, Nelson French and ____________(female) have things going fairly well.

1.      Nelson came to ask MSI to approve an additional spending of $5000.00 towards the costs of zones.

The biggest cost increase was for bus transportation. The cost of fuel almost doubled. Also being that Detroit is just over the 12-hour limit, we need to have 2 drivers.

2.      The kid�s were/are being charged an additional 15%. Learned from last year that everyone will be charged for the bus transportation.


There was discussion to increase the cost to the kids $25.00, also double up on the coaches rooms.


Motion: To increase the zone budget by an additional $5000.00. Seconded. DENIED.

*** The MSI board voted to denied the request of an additional $5000.00 for the cost of zones, but to meet the budget in the best way possible. ***



Unfinished Business


Winter meet Schedule- Jane Klembarsky

1.      Asked if anyone needed to review the meet bid process.




New Business


Time Standard Committee- Rocky O�Neill

1. Has the committee formed with Tim Mann as the appointed coach. Micheal Zee as the athlete rep. And the other appointed positions as listed. At this point is unsure of what the committee is responsible to do.




Approval of 3 new Swim Clubs-Cassy Shapley

Asked that the MSI board of Driectors approve the following new clubs:

1. Motion: to accept the Collegeville Swim Club( Bill Saxton - Head Coach)

����������� They have all paperwork current. They are waiting to get the coaches safety

����������� training completed.Seconded. Passed.

2.      Motion: to accept the Cambridge Area Swim Club. ( Howard Lewis- Head Coach)

They have all paperwork complete. Seconded. Passed.

3.      Motion: To accept the Fast Lane Swim team.( John ________- Head Coach )

����������� They have all paperwork except the letter from the Secretary of State�s office.���

����������� Seconded and passed.


Request for Fee Waiver due to limited number of officials- Paul Winrath

Paul read the letter that was on the back tonight�s agenda. He spoke to the situation that sent him to write this letter.

Motion: To remove the $160.00 fine per the letter from Paul Windrath regarding the limited number officials for a meet last season. Seconded. DENIED. NOT passed.


Motion: To extend this Board meeting ten minutes to 9:40p. Seconded and passed.


Meet Sanction fee returned/Club requirements Legislation- Betsey Aby

*** See attached proposed legislation***

Motion: To accept the proposed legislation.Seconded. Passed.



1.      Michael Bougie announced that Edina is going to be co-hosting the June 2-3 �A� meet.

2.      Paul Lundsten announced that Marty Knight is going to be inducted into the U of M hall of fame, in the Athletic Department.


Motion to adjourn: seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:31pm.



Submitted by:

Kathy Benyo-Albrecht

MSI Secretary