Unapproved DraftFinal Approved Minutes


Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated

Board of Directors

Minutes of the meeting of June 19, 2001

(Quorum equals 10 people)


Present: Sue Griffin, Jack Boder, Kathy Benyo-Albrecht, David Hulit, Sheryl McGuire, Betsey Aby, Jane Klembarsky, Tim Mann, Ron Murphy, Ellen Youngers, Bob Herlinger, Michael Bougie, Paul Lundsten, Jerry Simpson, Joel Shinofeld, Paul Windrath, Jeff Chida, Cassy Shapley, John Sfire, Jenn Wallace, Robert Peterson, Clara Schisler, John Witzel,Dennis Dale, Mike Cagley, Blair Buccicone, Sara Wollenhaupt, Larry Thoen, Tim Ahrendt, Bob Pearson, Dean Schultz, Charley Peitso, Jody Galli, Natalie Kuramoto


Meeting was called to order by the General Chair at 7:40pm.


Motion: To approve the minutes of the meeting for May 15, 2001. Seconded:



*** For the Record, there was a Closed Board Meeting this evening (June 19th, 2001) called to order by the General Chair at 7:30p. Board members names as listed above were present to approve the Closed meeting minutes from the meeting held on June 3rd, 2001. It was voted that the minutes of that meeting would be published. They are attached. ***


Officer Reports


General Chair: Sue Griffin

1.      Convention:

         By tonight Sue needs to hear from everyone who is able to go to the convention and who has not yet responded.

         Sue stated that the Senior Coach Chair (Dennis Dale) is already attending the National Convention as part of a National Committee. According to the MSI policy, we can send another person in Dennis�s place. Jenn Wallace agreed to go and represent our LSC.

2.      New Club Approval:

         The National Board of Review decision has been granted a �stay� and there is an appeal. Because of this, the question of the Rochester Orca�s as a new club is presently moot.

3.      The 4-hour rule.

         Sue Introduced Mike Cagley who is on the National Rules Committee to talk about the � 4 hr. rule� as it applies to the length of the swim sessions.Mike said that the original intent was to �stop� the marathon meet sessions. People were concerned that kids (and parents) would �burn out� if the meets ran too long.We needed to emphasize the word � plan� as used in the USA rulebook regarding the 4-hr. time limit.

***As part of the discussion for this topic Joel Shinofeld stated that he would head up the committee (made up of Jane Klembarsky- age group chair, Rocky O�Neil-technical planning chair, himself and 2 athletes [Kip Winden, and Blair Buccicone ] ) to address this issue. Joel stated that this question should be looked at on a �season by season � basis knowing that early fall meets are affected by the girls high school season, and the winter meets are affected by the boys high school season.Joel will have a report ready for the House of Delegates meeting this fall. ***


Ex-Officio: Bob Pearson

No Report


Administrative Vice Chair: Jack Boder

No Report


Senior Vice Chair: Dennis Dale

Reported that the Board of Directors for USA swimming has granted the U of M the 2002 Spring National Meet. The U will also host the U.S. Open meet in 2002.


Finance Chair: Dave Hulit

**See financial report that was distributed.**

1.      Last month there was a proposal to do an MSI audit at the end of the fiscal year, which would be 8-31-2001. A bid was received from Mullerlilie and Herrington Accounting Firm. There was a question if this was an audit or a review. Dave answered those questions as follows.

         This would be a complete audit. Mullerlilie and Herrington felt they had �enough numbers � to work with.

         Would the proposal include a management letter?�� Answer: Yes, there would be a letter included.

         Cost would be $2700.00 to $3000.00


Motion: To go ahead with this audit at the end of the fiscal year on 8-31-2001. Seconded and passed.


Age-Group Vice Chair: Jane Klembarsky

1.      Good news/Bad news: The 2002 Senior State meet would fall on the same weekend as the U of M hosting the Spring National Meet that Dennis talked about above. The U of M has offered the weekend before. Med-City Aquatics is possibly going to bid on the Senior State meet, which would be held in Rochester.

2.      Mother�s Day and MEA weekend meets for 2002: These 2 meet weekends may be a problem at bid time. After some discussion, it was decided to leave these meet weeks as is, and see if any teams bid for these weekends knowing what holidays/school closing they may encounter.

3.      Manual of the Central Zones: Policy Manual for Coaches, Swimmers, Parents, Chaperones for our LSC.

***Note: The entire Policy manual is getting voted on as a motion. (See below) Therefore the Amendments that follow are amendments to the motion of adopting the entire policy manual.*** See attached policy manual ***

         Amendment Motion: In the General Conduct Section: Part #2: Change to Team Manager and Swimmer Chaperone.

         Amendment Motion: For the relay policy: For the 12 and under leave as written. For the 13 and older: the Zone Age-group coach (es) has the discretion to change the relay personnel with the approval of the Zone Head Coach.

         Amendment Motion: To adopt the policy that USA swimming has for our Zone coaches, Managers and Chaperones to be the same as for the USA Olympic coaches, National and World Games Coaches, Managers, Chaperones as it pertains to Alcohol and Tobacco use.

***See Attached USA National Team Honor Code***


         Motion: To accept the Policy Manual as written with the above named Amendments. Seconded and passed.




Senior Coach Rep: Bob Herlinger

No Report


Senior Athlete Rep: Sarah Wollenhaupt

Offered a suggestion to the Coaches�To do more team building activities with the swimmers for the short summer season.


Junior Coach Rep: Paul Lundsten

Stated that he has received lots of mail/letters from the Rochester swim families in support of the Orcas regarding the 120-day rule. He is passing them on to MSI (gave them to Sue G. General Chair)


Junior Athlete Rep: Blair Buccicone

1.      Apologized for his absence the last 2 meetings

2.      Wants to look into having an � All � Star � meet again. Would like Coaches to e-mail him again with input on this.


Technical Planning Chair: Rocky O�Neil



Safety Coordinator: Kathy Czuprynski


(Kathy B-A gave report)�.

1. There is a Coaches safety training class that will be held in Rochester on 7-11-2001 at the Rec. Center. 6P start time. She is asking everyone to please sign up ahead of time, so she has the appropriate number of books and instructors to help. ***See handout. ***

Bob Pearson also added�

2.That National is in the midst of re-writing the Safety Manual.looking at safety training revisions for swim coaches.

3. That there is going to be a safety award given, which has been promoted by National. Anyone wanting to nominate someone for this award should notify Bob.



Official�s Chair: Michael Bougie

1.      Michael reported that at the present time we have 127 officials (38 referees, 18 starters and 71 stroke and turn officials.)

2.      The June 2-3 Officials meet went well. He has � retired� from being a meet director.

3.��� With ABC finals approaching, he is asking for EVERY official to participate, because there will be 4 meets going on that weekend.


Legislative Chair: Betsey Aby

No Report.



Adaptive Swimming Chair: Jenn Wallace

1. Will be leaving for Phoenix for the National Disability Championships


OVC Chair:Dave Shapley



Public Relations Chair: David Villafana



Equipment Chair: Ron Murphy

No Report



Registration/Membership Chair/Office: Cassy Shapley

1.      ***See registration sheet that was handed out.***

2.      At present we have 6428 athletes. We have 617 non-athletes. 70 Clubs and 2 organizations.


Swim meet Sanction Coordinator: Sheryl McGuire

No Report


USS/LSC Camp Coordinator: Jane Klembarsky

No Report


Records Chair: Cathy Franke



Outreach Chair: Joel Shinofeld

No Report


Review Committee: John Witzel

No Report


Nominating Committee: Ellen Youngers

1.      Reported on the officers that would come up for re-election this fall at the House of Delegates meeting.

2.      The Nominations committee met ( including Ellen, Michael Bougie, Bob Pearson )

Those positions that are up for election include:

Ad-min Vice chair

����������� Age-Group Chair

����������� Secretary

����������� 1 Coach Rep.

����������� 1 Athlete Rep.

����������� 3 regular members of the Board of Review

����������� 1 Alternate member for the Board of review.

If anyone is interested in running for those positions, please contact: Ellen Youngers

***Also, if anyone is interested in any of the �appointment positions� please contact Sue Griffin. Those positions include : Legislative Chair, Adaptive Chair, Public Relations Chair, and Equipment Chair.

3.      Ellen was asking if there is any job descriptions for these positions. There are none.



Zone Report: Dave Braun/ Nelson French

Both Absent



Unfinished Business




New Business


1.      Order of Events - Proposed

Motion: To Table until the July Board Meeting: Seconded and passed.




Motion to adjourn: seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:17pm.



Submitted by:

Kathy Benyo-Albrecht

MSI Secretary