Minnesota Swimming, Incorporated Board of Directors


Minutes of the meeting of July 16, 2002

 (Quorum equals 10 people)


 Present at the Meeting


Executive Board Members: Sue Griffin, Dennis Dale, Cathy Thwing, Blair Buccicone, Paul Lundsten, Joel Shinofeld (Admin VC), Dave Hulit


Other Board Members: Rocky O’Neil, Michael Bougie, Jean Freeman, Chad Krastins, Bob Pearson

(Not Present: Tim Mann, Kathy Czuprynski)


Appointed Committee Members (Voting): Ron Murphy , Elizabeth  Aby,

                                                 (Not Present: Marlene Goblish, Dave Shapley, Jack Boder (as PR Chair))


Appointed Committee Members (Non-voting): Paul Windrath, John Witzel, Joel Shinofeld (Outreach)

            (Not Present: Jack Boder (as Zone Communications))


MSI Staff: Cassy Shapley, Sheryl McGuire


Non-Board Members:  John Reilly (MGC), Megan McNair (STC), Nancy Schellinger (STC), Mary Bireman (NOR), Denise Lee (HOP),

Mark Davis (FOXJ), Bob Peterson (HOP), Phil Julson (TWIN), Kim Olson (HAST), Jeff Lee (BAC), Olga Splichalova (SCSC), Karen Nelson (NHCP), Gail Anderson (NHCP), Tom Kern (HUT), Larry Thoen (MN), Steve Fix (WIN), Sue Mundahl (WIN), John Sfire (ROC), Jeff Chida (ROC), Ellen Youngers (ROC), Dean Schulz (ROC), Jerry Simpson (SEMS), Lynn Caflisch (MCA), Natalie Kuramoto (MCA), Jim Teter (EDI), Greg Klepta (ALEX), Jim Allen (ALEX), Darin Harden (HASA), Edith Lampman (HASA), Duane Proell (TWIN), Tom Norman, Jeff Rodriguez (EDI)


Meeting was called to order by the General Chair at 7:40 p.m.


Motion:  To Approve the minutes for June 18, 2002 with the discrepancy between the minutes and the agenda to be investigated. 

Seconded. Passed Not Unanimous


{ Note the discrepancy relates to the notation in the Minutes which label Board members as Voting and NonVoting members.  The voting rights of the appointed Board positions were removed as part of the Minnesota Swimming, Inc bylaw changes made at the 2001 House of Delegates meeting.  Although approved locally, those changes are not deemed official until approved by USA-Swimming’s National office.  It was discovered that those changes had not yet been sent to National due to miscommunication about who was responsible for sending them. However, as noted in the Administrative Vice-Chair’s report, Joel Shinofeld will be sending them to be approved. }


Officer Reports


General Chair: Sue Griffin





Administrative Vice Chair: Joel Shinofeld    


Concern was brought up about the by-laws and voting/non-voting members.   The concern was raised in regards to the by-laws changes and when those changes are in affect in accordance with the voting rights of members of the BOD. The by-law changes that affects the minutes.  (May/June).  Those by-law changes will be sent to Nationals.                   


Senior Vice Chair: Dennis Dale                                             No Report.



 Age group Vice-Chair: Cathy Thwing                                   No Report.


Finance Vice-Chair: Dave Hulit                               No Report


Senior Athlete Representative: Blair Buccicone                           No Report


Junior Athlete Representative: Chad Krastins                               No Report


Senior Coach Representative: Paul Lundsten                             No Report


Junior Coach Representative: Jean Freeman                                               No Report


Ex Officio General Chair: Bob Pearson           


    USA Swimming will recognize Lifeguard training as an equivalent to Safety Training.


Technical Planning Chair: Rocky O’Neill                                           


Safety Coordinator: Kathy Czuprynski                                         Not Present / No Report          


Officials Committee Chair: Michael Bougie


      ·      There are a total of 127 Officials: Certified Referees: 38; Certified Starters: 16; and

                                                                    Stroke and Turn: 73.

             The weekend of 7/25-8.  There are four meets in Minnesota.  Requests everyone work to fill the demands for officials.


Legislative Chair: Betsey Aby                                                            No Report


Adapted Swimming Chair:  Marlene Goblish                              Not Present / No Report


NTV Chair: David Shapley                                                          Not Present / No Report


Equipment Chair: Ron Murphy                                                    No Report


Registration - Membership Chair/ Office: Cassy Shapley


Regular                                                5510 

Seasonal                                   1373 

Non-athlete members:                    628  

Clubs:                                                        74



Swim Meet Sanction Coordinator: Sheryl McGuire                            No Report


 Records Chair / Top 16 Coordinator: Paul Windrath  

·         Thanked Mark Davis for an accurate Minnesota Top 16 times report.


Outreach Coordinator: Joel Shinofield                                                  No Report


Board of Review:  John Witzel                                               No Report


Old Business:


The Central Zone Championships currently has 35 registered athletes.


New Business:

                                  Head Coach: Tim Mann

                                  Located in Rochester

                                 All paperwork is correctly filed.


Motion made: Chad Karstins. To approve Maverick Swimming, LLC as a club member.  Seconded.  Passed Unanimous



Mr. Allman  was the 1939 Backstroke Champion.  He will be missed by Minnesota Swimming.



Meet Bids:

Motion: Cathy Thwing  To vote on contested bids first winter season.  Seconded.  Passed Unanimous



Motion: Cathy Thwing                  To accept the Winter 2002-2003 Meet Schedule as printed.  Seconded.  Passed Unanimous.


Motion: Cathy Thwing                To accept NHCP as host of the 12/7-8 B/C meet.                 Seconded. Passed Unanimous.


Motion: Cathy Thwing                 Accept as printed the Summer 2002 Meet Schedule.                  Seconded.  Passed Unanimous.


Motion: Cathy Thwing                  To award Hudson Area Swim Association and West Express the 6/7-8 2003 B/C meet.  Seconded. Passed Unanimous.


Motion: Blair Buccicone  To destroy the ballots.  Seconded. Passed Unanimous.


Paul Windrath asked the board to consider a limitation on "invites" per weekend when developing the meet schedules.


Motion to adjourn at: 8:40 pm Seconded. Passed Unanimous.


Respectfully Submitted,


Timothy Mann


Minnesota Swimming, Inc