Payton Johnson, Centennial

Background—when did you start swimming? How did you get started swimming? What teams have you swum with?

I started swimming when I was 3 years old for the Champaign County Aquachiefs. I have always been a Chief and always will be!

Are you excited about your final year of swimming with the Centennial Chargers and the Aquachiefs? What are your swimming goals for the year?

My High School season as a Centennial Charger was such a blast and I look forward to an amazing last Club season as well. My goals are to win as many events at YMCA Nationals as I possibly can.

What are your plans for college? Will you swim? What do you plan to major in?

You come from a “swimming family”. Is that a blessing or a burden?

Blessing! Everyone always has good advice and is extremely supportive. It’s nice to have those people so close to you that know exactly what you are going through. I would be nowhere without their support!

In November, you signed a letter of intent to swim at Michigan. What attracted you to Michigan? What did you think about the recruiting process?

I am going to swim for the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Wolverines and major in engineering. The recruiting process is a rollercoaster ride! It’s so much fun looking into all of your schools and meeting the team and the coaches, but it is extraordinarily exhausting and stressful-especially during the High School season!

What have you learned from swimming, besides how to move through the water like a dolphin?

Swimming has shaped my whole personality. It has taught me determination, motivation, responsibility, and most of all (especially in high school when you actually have to do your homework) TIME MANAGEMENT!

What’s your favorite movie? Favorite food? Favorite place?

Movie: Garden State (Zach Braff & Natalie Portman are amazing actors!) Food: Sweet & Sour Chicken from Super Wok. Place: University of Michigan campus, Wahoo! GO WOLVERINES!

What is something about yourself that people might find surprising or interesting?

I’m not too bad at Ultimate Frisbee!