1. Open and name new meet.

2. Set up meet:

            Type & style: standard


3. Events:

            Add events per meet program

            Edit open events:

                        (customize, click box by multi age group, set up per meet program for scoring)

            Add time standards:

                        (from disk , events/time standards/import/if new disk look in a/open/then                                      highlight which time standards you want)

            Set up sessions:


                        (usually by days, add lunch breaks if known, and intervals between races,

                        (recommend 40-50 seconds---should be 20-30 for championship meets)

                        (once you get your time line you may want to go back in and adjust breaks)

            Check Scoring preferences for the meet. Default is 16 places-we normally do 12.


4. Import data by hand or disks:

            Meet  Summary/Team

            Run report team summary to match their hardcopy

            Check max# of entries per day per swimmer

            Hand enter data as needed.

            Run Exceptions report.


5. Seed the Meet/Run psych sheet:

            Check times, call teams to adjust if necessary


6. Under Team Reports, also run Entry Fee Summary:

                Check to see if teams paid correct amount


7. Print Athlete Roster w/id numbers & events list/time line/sessions report.


8. Print Meet programs:

            Two column format for coaches, officials, and staff approx 20-30 copies.

            Three column format for programs to sell-approx 80 % of total swimmers.

            Include entry times and time standards.


9. Print Lane/Timer Sheets:

            Sort by lane then event, include entry times, two events per page, double space

            Separate by event


10. Set up warm up schedule, 20 minute sessions, 7-8 swimmers per lane


11. Run relay cards, (can just print on labels and put on card)


12. Back up meet info on disk