The TU Crew

Lauren S. 

Head Honcho

Lauren has been with TeamUnify since March and is the TeamUnify expert. 

Heidi H.

When She is Not Playing Video Games

Heidi has been with TeamUnify since September 6th, 2015. She has been a key player in the Customer Support role and helped bring the GoMotion platform to life. She has aspirations to move up through the ranks and wants to make those around her just as successful. She is a ROCKSTAR!

Matt B.

Before He Went Grey

Matt started in November, November 6th to be exact. He is still learning. Don't ask him about cars, that will lead to a 4-hour conversation.

Tessa C.

The Only Actual Swimmer On The Team

Greg G.

Wannabe Sk8tr Boy

He was a skater boy she said see you later boy.

Caleb M.

Only Comes Out During Easter