Saskatoon Goldfins Swim Club

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Goldfins Swimmers of the Month - April 2021

Jennifer Robinson

Saskatoon Goldfins Swimmers of the Month - April 2021


The Saskatoon Goldfins Swim Club is pleased to announce the Female Swimmer of the Month for April 2021 – Avery Kissick.  Over the course of April, Avery has shown incredible improvements in her swimming. Through her focus on technical improvements coupled with an A+ work ethic, she has been swimming faster than ever, posting best times in every race and performance set! Great work Avery, and keep up this awesome swimming!

Ethan Hemeon is our Goldfins Male Swimmer of the Month – April 2021 because of his performance as a Student Athlete with a part time job!  With the pandemic moving Universities online, Ethan made the decision to stay in Saskatoon to study and train.  April is a busy and stressful month for university students, with classes finishing up and finals being written.  Throughout April Ethan maintained his attendance at 97%, performing his fastest times in practice to this point all season.  It is great to have a varsity component to the team the season, Ethan is a great example of how one can excel in swimming, school and in life.
