Saskatoon Goldfins Swim Club

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Goldfins Swimmers of the Month - December 2021

Jennifer Robinson

James DeLathouwer - Gold 12
Since the start of the season, James has been a perfect example of hard work paying off. Through consistent practice and training he has accomplished a steady flow of improvements across all aspects of his swimming performance, from kick, starts, turns and all four strokes. At PWI, unexpected circumstances lead to James racing his first 400 IM and through his training and practice came out of the race with a bronze medal, as well as many other amazing races that weekend. Way to go James!
Alyssa Park - Gold 14

Alyssa Park, member of the Goldfins Gold 14 training group has been chosen as the Goldfins Female Swimmer of the Month – December 2021.  Alyssa has shown a great deal of improvement in both her kicking and swim tests as well as her performance at the Lasers SC Swim Meet and at the Prairie Winter International. 

Alyssa realized a 4.5% improvement on her 200M Freestyle kick test.  During the month of December, Alyssa posted a total time reduction of 93.79 seconds in the events she competed in at PWI and at the Lasers SC Meet.  Alyssa posted 5 new Swim Saskatchewan Short Course A Times and 2 new AA qualifying times.  Alyssa was a member of the 12 & Under Female Freestyle and Medley relays who brought home 2 silver medals from the PWI swim meet held in Winnipeg, MB. 

Alyssa’s positive approach to her training and her indelible team spirit has contributed to Alyssa’s performance success.  Congratulations Alyssa! 

