Saskatoon Goldfins Swim Club

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Congratulations to the 2022 Fall Junior Goldfins Graduates

Jennifer Robinson


The Saskatoon Goldfins Board of Directors and Coaches would like to congratulate the following Saskatoon Junior Goldfins swimmers as they have recently graduated to the Saskatoon Goldfins Swim Club’s White 1 competitive training program.

Aliyah Abut

Abigail Gauld

Emmanuelle Jeanneau

Ellie Smith

These swimmers will train three times/week in the Club's first level of the competitive program.  Swimmers select two weekly training days (Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays (Shaw Centre)).  These swimmers then join the entire White 1 group as they gather together to train on Saturday mornings at the Shaw Centre.

The White 1 program is designed to transition swimmers into competitive swimming.  Swimmers will develop technical, tactical, and training swimming skills in this engaging progressive program.  Swimmers compete in local swim meets as well as swim meets that are designed to support introductory competitive opportunities. 

The Goldfins Swim Club congratulates and welcomes these swimmers and their families to the Goldfins competitive swim club program.


Go Gold Go!

